International Conferences
Singular half-sided modular inclusions and deformation quantization
cancelled due to COVID-19
From the construction of integrable QFTs to the classification of unitary R-matrices
Deformations of quantum field theories, the construction of models, and $T\bar T$-deformations
Braid group characters and localised endomorphisms
Quantum-mechanical backflow and scattering
All involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
Sigma models in algebraic QFT
$SO(d,1)$-invariant Yang-Baxter operators and a dS/CFT correspondence
O(d,1)-symmetric R-matrices and QFT models
Representations of Rieffel-deformed C*-algebras and deformations of inclusions
Modular Structure of Generalized Free Fields and Nets of Standard Subspaces
Reflection Positivity and Operator Algebras in Quantum Field Theory
The structure of the field algebra in non-commutative QFT and uniqueness of its KMS states
Operator algebras and the construction of models in quantum field theory
Non-Local Perturbations of Hyperbolic PDEs and QFT on Noncommutative Spacetimes
KMS states of deformed quantum field theories
Thermal Equilibrium States for QFTs on Moyal Minkowski Spacetime
Constructive algebraic quantum field theory at the example of integrable models
Locally Noncommutative Spacetimes and Quantum Field Theory
Algebraic quantum field theory: From structural analysis to the construction of models
Oscillatory integrals for vector-valued symbols and locally noncommutative spacetimes
Oscillatory integrals for vector-valued symbols and locally noncommutative spacetimes
Local and covariant deformations of quantum field theories
Multiplicative deformations of the Borchers-Uhlmann algebra
Local and covariant deformations of observable algebras in QFT
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Rieffel deformations and the construction of local nets
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Field Deformations vs Lagrangian Deformations in Noncommutative QFT
Noncommutative Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Noncommutative Deformations of Wightman Quantum Field Theories
Noncommutative Deformations of Quantum Fields
Wedge-local Quantum Fields, Non-Commutative Minkowski Space, and Interaction
Wedge-Local Quantum Fields and Noncommutative Minkowski Space
Towards the Construction of the O(N)-Sigma models
Construction of asymptotically complete interacting quantum field theories in two dimensions
Construction of Asymptotically Complete Interacting Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions
Constructing local nets of von Neumann algebras from their S-matrices
Constructing Local Nets from an S-matrix
National Conferences
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
Integrable Quantum Field Theories from an Operator-Algebraic Perspective
Construction of quantum field theories by deformation techniques
Quantum field theory on locally noncommutative spacetimes
Multiplicative deformations of the Borchers-Uhlmann algebra

Star products and deformation procedures in quantization, non-commutative geometry and quantum field theory
Wedge-Localized Quantum Fields and Noncommutative Minkowski Space
Constructing Integrable Models in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
Polarization-Free Quantum Fields and Interaction
Invited Seminars
Singular half-sided modular inclusions and the algebra at infinity
Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite braid group and subfactors
An operator-algebraic perspective on unitary R-matrices
R-matrices and localised endomorphisms
Quantum-mechanical backflow and scattering
The Yang-Baxter equation and extremal characters of the infinite braid group
Yang-Baxter characters of the infinite symmetric group and subfactors
All involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Quantum backflow and scattering theory
Integrable QFTs and von Neumann algebras
Representations of Rieffel-deformed C*-algebras and deformations of Borchers triples
The inverse scattering problem for integrable QFTs in 2d and its operator-algebraic solution
Constructing QFTs with modular theory and R-matrices
Singular values of Hardy space operators and relative commutants of von Neumann algebras
Wave Equations with Noncommutative Time
KMS functionals and KMS states for algebras of deformed quantum fields
Equivalence of two deformation schemes in QFT
Rieffel-Deformationen und die Konstruktion von wechselwirkenden Quantenfeldtheorien
Quantum Fields on the Non-Commutative Minkowski Space : Scattering, Thermal Equilibrium and Causality
The inverse scattering problem for quantum field theories with factorizing S-matrices
Wedge-Local Quantum Fields in Integrable and Nonlocal Models
The inverse scattering problem for Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices
Construction of local nets from a wedge algebra
Local nets of von Neumann algebras and modular theory
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, I
The inverse scattering problem for factorizing S-matrices
The inverse scattering problem for factorizing S-matrices
The Yang-Baxter equation and extremal characters of the infinite braid group
Non-local perturbations of hyperbolic PDEs and QFT models on non-commutative spacetimes
Borchers triples and the construction of models in quantum field theory
QFT on locally noncommutative spacetimes
Deformation Quantization and Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Deformations of Quantum Fields and Observable Algebras
A pedagogical introduction to wedge-local quantum fields on non-commutative Minkowski space
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, III
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, II