
Singular half-sided modular inclusions and deformation quantization
IWOTA Lancaster (virtual) , online, August 2021
Singular half-sided modular inclusions and the algebra at infinity
Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite braid group and subfactors
cancelled due to COVID-19
cancelled due to COVID-19
Fifty years of Tomita-Takesaki theory , Tokyo University, June 2020
An operator-algebraic perspective on unitary R-matrices
Mathematical Physics Seminar , University of York, November 2019
Yang-Baxter endomorphisms
Subfactors and Applications , Oberwolfach, October 2019
From the construction of integrable QFTs to the classification of unitary R-matrices
Deformations of quantum field theories, the construction of models, and $T\bar T$-deformations
$T\bar T$ and other solvable deformations of quantum field theories , Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, April 2019
R-matrices and localised endomorphisms
Mathematical Physics Seminar , Nottingham University, March 2019
Quantum-mechanical backflow and scattering
Mathematical Physics Seminar , Northumbria University, Newcastle, March 2019
Braid group characters and localised endomorphisms
43rd LQP workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT" , Galieo Galilei Institute Firenze, February 2019
The Yang-Baxter equation and extremal characters of the infinite braid group
The Yang-Baxter equation and extremal characters of the infinite braid group
Quantum-mechanical backflow and scattering
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
Yang-Baxter characters of the infinite symmetric group and subfactors
All involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Modular Localization and Constructive Algebraic QFT
Reflection Positivity , November 2017, Workshop at the Oberwolfach Research Center
All involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Advances in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics , September 2017, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
Modern Mathematics of Quantum Theory , September 2017, York University
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
LQP Workshop 40 , June 2017, Leipzig University / MPI
Yang-Baxter Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group
Subfactors Programme, Workshop III , June 2017, Newton Institute, Cambridge
Quantum backflow and scattering theory
Quantum Backflow and Scattering
Integrable QFTs and von Neumann algebras
Representations of Rieffel-deformed C*-algebras and deformations of Borchers triples
Quantum-Mechanical Backflow and Scattering
Sigma models in algebraic QFT
$SO(d,1)$-invariant Yang-Baxter operators and a dS/CFT correspondence
Modular Nuclearity
The inverse scattering problem for integrable QFTs in 2d and its operator-algebraic solution
Constructing QFTs with modular theory and R-matrices
Singular values of Hardy space operators and relative commutants of von Neumann algebras
R-matrices and integrable QFTs
O(d,1)-symmetric R-matrices and QFT models
Wave Equations with Noncommutative Time
Noncommutative Wave Equations
Integrable Quantum Field Theories from an Operator-Algebraic Perspective
Wales Mathematics Colloquium , Gregynog, May 2015
Representations of Rieffel-deformed C*-algebras and deformations of inclusions
Modular Structure of Generalized Free Fields and Nets of Standard Subspaces
Reflection Positivity and Operator Algebras in Quantum Field Theory
The structure of the field algebra in non-commutative QFT and uniqueness of its KMS states
Quantum Mathematical Physics , Regensburg, September 2014
Hyperbolic PDEs with non-commutative time
Frontiers in Fundamental Physics , Marseille, July 2014
Operator algebras and the construction of models in quantum field theory
FJIM 2014 , Bilbao, July 2014
Construction of quantum field theories by deformation techniques
DPG Spring Conference , Berlin, March 2014
KMS functionals and KMS states for algebras of deformed quantum fields
Non-local perturbations of hyperbolic PDEs and QFT models on non-commutative spacetimes
GEP-Seminar , Leipzig, May 2013
Non-Local Perturbations of Hyperbolic PDEs and QFT on Noncommutative Spacetimes
Mathematics and Quantum Physics , Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, July 2013
Hyperbolic PDEs with star product potentials
GEOQUANT 2013 , ESI Vienna, August 2013
Equivalence of two deformation schemes in QFT
Essays in low-dimensional quantum field theory , Universita Rom II Tor Vergata, October 2012
Borchers triples and the construction of models in quantum field theory
KMS states of deformed quantum field theories
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and Local Symmetries , Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Sept. 2012
Thermal Equilibrium States for QFTs on Moyal Minkowski Spacetime
ICMP 2012 , Aalborg, August 2012
Constructive algebraic quantum field theory at the example of integrable models
Quantum field theory on locally noncommutative spacetimes
DPG Spring Conference 2012 , Goettingen, February 2012
Locally Noncommutative Spacetimes and Quantum Field Theory
Planckland , SISSA, Trieste, February 2012
QFT on locally noncommutative spacetimes
Vienna Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, October 2011
Algebraic quantum field theory: From structural analysis to the construction of models
Quantum Gravity Colloquium 6 , University of Erlangen, October 2011
Oscillatory integrals for vector-valued symbols and locally noncommutative spacetimes
Modern Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory , University of Pavia, September 2011
Oscillatory integrals for vector-valued symbols and locally noncommutative spacetimes
Multiplicative deformations of the Borchers-Uhlmann algebra
Local Quantum Physics workshop 28 , Goettingen, July 2011
Local and covariant deformations of quantum field theories
Multiplicative deformations of the Borchers-Uhlmann algebra
WIMCS workshop on quantum field theory , University Cardiff, April 2011
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Vienna Lunch Seminar , Vienna University, December 2010
Local and covariant deformations of observable algebras in QFT
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
NITheP Workshop - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime , University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, August 2010
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Deformation techniques in quantization and quantum field theory
Deformations of quantum field theories
York University , June 2010
Star products on Hilbert space
Bayrischzell workshop , Bayrischzell, May 2010
Deformation Quantization and Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, March 2010
Warped Convolutions und Rieffel-Deformationen
Freiburg University , February 2010
Rieffel deformations and the construction of local nets
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Rieffel-Deformationen und die Konstruktion von wechselwirkenden Quantenfeldtheorien
Deformations of Operator Algebras and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Star products and deformation procedures in quantization, non-commutative geometry and quantum field theory
Field Deformations vs Lagrangian Deformations in Noncommutative QFT
Noncommutative Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Noncommutative Deformations of Wightman Quantum Field Theories
Noncommutative Deformations of Quantum Fields
Nicht-kommutative Deformationen von Quantenfeldtheorien
LMU Munich , May 2008
Noncommutative Integration: The Dixmier Trace
NCG Seminar , Vienna University, April 2008
Quantum Fields on the Non-Commutative Minkowski Space : Scattering, Thermal Equilibrium and Causality
Models of Wedge-Local Quantum Fields
DPG Conference , Freiburg, March 2008
The inverse scattering problem for quantum field theories with factorizing S-matrices
Ecole Polytechnique , Palaiseau, March 2008
Modular Theory and Quantum Field Theory
Australian National University , Canberra, February 2008
Wedge-Local Quantum Fields in Integrable and Nonlocal Models
Universita Tor Vergata , Rome, January 2008
Deformations of Quantum Fields and Observable Algebras
Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, December 2007
Wedge-local Quantum Fields, Non-Commutative Minkowski Space, and Interaction
A pedagogical introduction to wedge-local quantum fields on non-commutative Minkowski space
Math. Phys. Student Seminar , Vienna University / ESI, November 2007
The inverse scattering problem for Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices
Construction of local nets from a wedge algebra
Local nets of von Neumann algebras and modular theory
Wedge-Local Quantum Fields and Noncommutative Minkowski Space
Wedge-Localized Quantum Fields and Noncommutative Minkowski Space
Towards the Construction of the O(N)-Sigma models
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, III
Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, January 2007
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, II
Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, December 2006
Elemente der Tomita-Takesaki Theorie
Math. Phys. Seminar , Vienna University, November 2006
Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices, I
ESI Seminar , Vienna, November 2006
The inverse scattering problem for factorizing S-matrices
Seminario do DF-UFJF , Juiz de Fora, Brazil, August 2006
Construction of asymptotically complete interacting quantum field theories in two dimensions
ICMP 2006, Young Researchers Symposium , Rio de Janeiro, August 2006
Construction of Asymptotically Complete Interacting Quantum Field Theories in Two Dimensions
Topics in Mathematical Physics , Sao Paulo, August 2006
Constructing local nets of von Neumann algebras from their S-matrices
Brazilian Operator Algebras Conference , Florianopolis, July 2006
The inverse scattering problem for factorizing S-matrices
DESY Theory Colloquium , Hamburg, May 2006
Constructing Local Nets from an S-matrix
South Eastern Analysis Meeting (SEAM XXII) , Gainesville, USA, March 2006
Constructing Integrable Models in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
Local Quantum Physics Workshop 17 , Goettingen, December 2005
Geometric Modular Action in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Field Theories from Geometric Modular Action
Nuclearity Properties of Theories with a Factorizing S-Matrix
Polarization-Free Quantum Fields and Interaction